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Image by Steve Johnson

A lead-based paint inspection is a surface-by-surface investigation to determine the presence of lead-based paint and the provision of a report explaining the results of the investigation. All components of the dwelling that are painted, stained, shellacked, or varnished will be tested for lead-based paint during an inspection.


A whole home lead-based paint inspection requires every single painted component on the lot to be tested. They can typically take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours to complete – depending on the size of the structure.


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Why would I Want a Lead-Based Paint Inspection?



A whole home lead-based paint inspection requires every single painted component on the lot to be tested. They can typically take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours to complete – depending on the size of the structure.


We perform lead-based paint inspections for multiple reasons, including:

- Purchasing a new house.

- Renting out an older house to a new family.

- Selling a house.

- House remodeling / renovations.

- Determining if a hazard is present for the children in the home.

- If a child was determined to have an EBL (Elevated blood lead level).

- Re-financing the house (Many loan companies require a lead-based paint inspection report for the property).

- Miscellaneous government programs.

How is the Lead-Based Paint Inspection Performed?

There are different methods available to test for lead-based paint. However, the test we offer is the most accurate method available. The equipment we use is called an XRF Analyzer. This is the preferred method to test for lead-based paint by the EPA because it is non-destructive, cost-effective, it produces results immediately, and it is capable of reading through all of the layers of paint. Therefore, no matter how many times your house has been painted over – we can determine if there is a hazard behind the painted surfaces.


We strictly follow the 2012 HUD Guidelines which satisfies all of the requirements for government programs. Because of that, our testing is extremely precise and thorough. For a whole home lead-based paint inspection we would test every painted component of the house – inside and out. We would test every wall, every door casing, both sides of the door, baseboards, crown moldings, ceilings, floors, window sills, window lintels, window jambs, window frames, air vents, cabinets frames, cabinet drawers, exterior walls, soffit, fascia, drip edge, gable walls, gable vents, and so on.


When we are finished with the inspection we generate a report based on the readings. The report for the inspection is very extensive and in-depth. The report will include a floor plan of the entire house so

you can easily identify where the readings were taken. It will also list each reading that was taken with a ‘room equivalent’, a’ building component type’, the ‘substrate’, and a ‘result’ (positive or negative for lead-based paint).

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