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Identification of Lead-Based Paint Hazards

Saffron Beat

Under section 403 of TSCA, the EPA had to develop a rule that identified conditions of lead-based paint and lead levels and conditions in residential dust and soil that may result in a hazard to building occupants, especially children age 6 and under. In combination with the work-practice standards, the levels and conditions identified in the TSCA, section 403 provides clear direction on how to identify, prioritize, and respond to hazards from lead in and around target housing.

What makes lead-based paint a hazard?

· The lead paint is deteriorated. As the paint breaks down, it releases paint chips and lead dust that can contaminate the home and be easily ingested by young children through hand-to-mouth activity.

This deteriorated lead paint may be inside residential buildings or child-occupied facilities or on the exterior of any residential building or child-occupied facility.

· The lead paint is on friction or impact surfaces. Impact to surfaces like door frames or stairs can damage the paint and release lead. Also, the paint on friction surfaces like windows, stairs, and floors can break down during normal use and release lead.

· The lead paint is on child-accessible surfaces that show evidence of teeth marks. Be aware of lead paint on surfaces such as window sills, railings, and stair edges that are at child height and have been or may be chewed on or mouthed by a child.

Lead paint is usually not a hazard if the paint:

· Is in good condition, and

· Is not on an impact or friction surface (like a window, door, stairs, or floors.)

What happens if a lead hazard is identified?

Property owners are required to notify occupants if they are aware of lead, whether or not it is identified as a hazard. However, this regulation does not require anyone to identify lead hazards, or that any specific action is taken if a lead hazard is identified.

Owners and other decision-makers should actively seek to reduce or prevent children’s exposure to lead in paint, dust, or soils that equals or exceeds these hazard levels.

States, local or tribal governments may have different standards or requirements. EPA recommends you contact them before beginning any work with lead paint.

Lead Abatement Clearance Requirements:

Following lead abatement, dust cleanup activities must be repeated until testing indicates that lead dust levels are below the following:

· 40 µg/ft² for floors (including carpeted floors);

· 250 µg/ft² for interior window sills; and

· 400 µg/ft² for window troughs

Lead Dust Hazard Standards

· 40 micrograms per square foot (µg/ft²) for floors (including carpeted floors)

· 250 µg/ft² for interior window sills

Lead Soil Hazard Standards

· 400 parts per million (ppm) in play areas of bare residential

· 1200 ppm (average) in bare soil in the remainder of the yard

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